Dienstag, 7. Juli 2020


ᚠ : ᛒᛖᛊᛁᛉ : Besitz : Possessions
1* basic runic writing is phonetic and means one rune for every sound in a word, no silent runes, no double runes and some runes replace whole words. creativity is encouraged, but first stick to simple writing. this example is the german word [Besitz] / [possessions] written in runes, and it is something that our ancestors could have been reading if they had spoken German. 

ᚢ : ᛊᛏᛖᚱᚲᛖ : Stärke : Strenght
2* the rune writing will come easy to you with a little bit of practise. first you have to learn the full futhark and the sound of each rune sign.
this example is the german word [Stärke] / [strength] written in runes. the elder futhark doesn't contain any special characters. well, what to do with signs like ä / ö / ü? try to discover the sound of those signs and then to replace it with the rune signs following the sound. the german character "ä" for example can be transformed to "ᛖ".

ᚦ : ᛏᛟᚱ : Tor : Gateway
3* some runes are used for more than one sound, therefore the reading relies very much on the context. for example ᚺᚨᛏ can be read [hat] but could also mean [hate]. or in German the runes ᛗᛖᚱ can be read [Meer] but could also mean [Mär]. but people had a lot of time back then and probably figured out.

ᚨ : ᛉᛇᚲᛖᚾ : Zeichen : Signals
4* next we want to focus on the sound of each sign (for the elder futhark basing on 24 runes). but some of the characters change if used in different modern languages depending on their own phonetics. we collected both german and englisch, but found different opinions about the exactly pronouncing and we do not claim ultimate correctness, but focus on actual use.

ᚱ : ᚹᚨᚾᛞᛖᚱᚢᛝ : Wanderung : Journey 
5* german phonetics
Freya's Ætt: ᚠ [f,v] : ᚢ [u,uh] : ᚦ [th] : ᚨ [a,ah,äj] : ᚱ [r] : ᚲ [k] : ᚷ [g] : ᚹ [w]
Heimdall's Ætt: ᚺ [h] : ᚾ [n] : ᛁ [i] : ᛃ [j]: ᛈ [p] : ᛇ [ei,eu] : ᛉ [z,s for ending] : ᛊ [s,ß]
Thor's Ætt: ᛏ [t] : ᛒ [b] : ᛖ [e,eh,ä] : ᛗ [m] : ᛚ [l] : ᛝ [ng,ing] : ᛞ [d] : ᛟ [o,oh]

ᚲ : ᚨᚾᚠᚨᛝ : Anfang : Opening
6* english phonetics
Freya's Ætt: ᚠ [f,v] : ᚢ [u like rude or up] : ᚦ [th] : ᚨ [a like ape, an, ah] : ᚱ [r] : ᚲ [k] : ᚷ [g] : ᚹ [w]
Heimdall's Ætt: ᚺ [h] : ᚾ [n] : ᛁ [i like in or deep] : ᛃ [y]: ᛈ [p] : ᛇ [eye] : ᛉ [z,s as ending and for pluralism] : ᛊ [s,ß]
Thor's Ætt: ᛏ [t] : ᛒ [b] : ᛖ [e like epic or fair] : ᛗ [m] : ᛚ [l] : ᛝ [ng,ing] : ᛞ [d] : ᛟ [o like open or on]

ᚷ : ᛈᚨᚱ - Paar : Partnership
7* some runes do not exist as phonetics in modern languages and simply run out of use or aren't necessary in certain languages. that doesn't bother us, but what about sounds of modern languages having no match in the futhark?

ᚹ : ᚠᚱᛟᛁᛞᛖ : Freude : Joy
8* sounds like "q" and "x" can be easily splitted in two signs following their pronouncing. therefore the "q" will be matched by the combination [kw], for example the german word [Quelle] will be written ᚲᚹᛖᛚᛖ
the letter "x" is matched by the phonetic combination [ks], like in the german word [Axt] and will be written ᚨᚲᛊᛏ


ᚺ : ᚺᚨᛚᛏ : Halt : Disruption
practising basic rune writing
9* the german "y" has no match. but it doesn't need a rune sign either, because it is never ever spoken with an independent sound. while it's written as an extra sign it's always spoken as a different character, such as "i" or "ü".

ᚾ : ᛉᚹᚨᛝ : Zwang : Constraint
practising basic rune writing
10* Umlaute and special vowels in german: "au" [Pfau] can be combined by [au] but "eu" [Feuer] will be changed to [oi]. always make sure to follow the sound instead of following the letters.

ᛁ : ᛊᛏᛁᛚᛊᛏᚨᚾᛞ : Stillstand : Standstill
practising basic rune writing
11* Umlaute and special vowels in german: "ä" can be replaced by [e], but there's absolutly no way to write "ö" &
"ü" in runes. we found solutions where the runes were written with the marking points of the german characters. also these signs can be written with the basic vowel followed by an "e" like [ae, oe & ue] and that can be written in runes, even if the sound is different.

ᛃ : ᛖᚱᚾᛏᛖ : Ernte : Harvest 
practising basic rune writing
12* the spelling for "sch" is a bit difficult, it can happen with the runes for [sk] [sh] or [sz], whichever fits better. in most cases, [sk] works quite well in both German and English. For "ch" there are only [k] or [kh], both quite OK and not really good either.

ᛇ : ᚠᛖᚱᛏᛇᛞᛁᚷᚢᛝ : Verteidigung : Defense
practising basic rune writing
13* there is no thing like a spelling police.
modern runic writing often allows to translate directly sign by sign and even to ignore the phonetics, just following the modern letters für easy reading. that's a good strategy to start with. no matter how close you stick to the rules, the result will always be a little bit different anyway, especially with strong dialects.

ᛈ : ᚹᛇᛖ : Weihe : Initiation
practising basic rune writing
14* sometimes a whole word can be replaced with a single rune. but that can be very tricky, as they are sometimes used after their original translations and sometimes in different interpretations. pointing to some specific aspects, their meanings can be very different, for example ᚠ [fehu] literally means cattle, but is usually interpreted with the aspect of prosperity. the interpretation depends on the context and can be unclear.

ᛉ : ᛊᚲᚢᛉ : Schutz : Protection
practising basic rune writing
15* the only punctuation marks that our ancestors knew were colons between the words. this can be a bit difficult with full texts, so modern rune writing often allows to put question marks and the like when it appears necessary. we think you can make this decision as you please as long as you choose one method and then stick to it.

ᛊ : ᚷᚨᚾᛉᚺᛇᛏ : Ganzheit : Wholeness
practising basic rune writing
16* the reading direction for runes is initially from right to left, but can also be opposite in individual cases or change at the end of the first line to the second line and then change continuously with each new line.

ᛏ : ᚲᚱᛁᚷᛖᚱ : Krieger : Warrior
practising basic rune writing
17* Wenderunen: reversible runes are individual runes that are written in a mirrored manner, regardless of the reading direction. usually you can tell the reading direction by the orientation of the runes, so turning runes stand out graphically. of course this only works if it's a character without mirror symmetry. for the magic spelling, a mirrored rune can indicate an opposite or unusual aspect.

Wenderunen sind einzelne Runen, die unabhängig von der jeweiligen Leserichtung gespiegelt geschrieben stehen. Normalerweise kann man an der Ausrichtung der Runen die Leserichtung erkennen, daher stehen Wenderunen grafisch heraus. Das klappt natürlich nur, wenn es sich nicht um ein Zeichen mit Spiegelsymmetrie handelt. Für die magische Schreibweise kann eine Wenderunen auf einen gegenteiligen Aspekt hinweisen.

ᛒ : ᚹᚢᚲᛊ : Wuchs : Growth
practising basic rune writing
18* Sturzrunen: upside down runes can also appear in a line of otherwise upright runes. like the mirrored runes, they stand out graphically if they do not match the alignment of the other runes. and here, too, this does not work for characters that are mirror-symmetrical. a negative aspect can be addressed in the magical spelling and when reading the runes.
these runes cannot be turned over, regardless of the reading direction: [ᚷ] Gebo, [ᛁ] Isa, [ᛃ] Jera, [ᛇ] Eihwaz, [ᛝ] / [ᛜ] Ingwaz, [ᛞ] Dagaz and also Sowelu, if this rune is written in the S-shape and not in the waveform [ᛊ].

Sturzrunen sind einzelne Runen, die auf dem Kopf stehen. Wie die Wenderunen stehen sie grafisch heraus, wenn sie nicht zur Ausrichtung der übrigen Runen passen. Und auch hier funktioniert das nicht für Zeichen, die spiegelsymmetrisch sind. In der magischen Schreibweise und beim Runenlesen kann damit ein negativer Aspekt angesprochen sein. 
Diese Runen können nicht gestürzt werden, unabhängig von der Leserichtung: [ᚷ] Gebo, [ᛁ] Isa, [ᛃ] Jera, [ᛇ] Eihwaz, [ᛝ] / [ᛜ] Ingwaz, [ᛞ] Dagaz und auch Sowelu, wenn diese Rune in der S-Form und nicht in der Wellenform [ᛊ] geschrieben wird. 

ᛖ : ᛒᛖᚹᛖᚷᚢᛝ : Bewegung : Movement
practising basic rune writing
19* runestones: according to the old Futhark, a complete set consists of 25 rune stones (24 characters and the bare Odinsrune), kept in a bag. to question the runes, stones are either pulled or thrown from this bag, depending on the practice. for the rune stones only their names and their aspects are of importance and these can be somewhat different, depending on the tradition and type of magic used, but of course their basic nature always remains unchanged.
We want to continue to deal very closely with the meanings of the runes and the ways of questioning them in future, but first we are concentrating on the knowledge necessary to learn basic rune writing.


Ein vollständiger Satz besteht nach dem alten Futhark aus 25 Runensteinen ( 24 Zeichen und die blanke Odinsrune). Sie werden in einem Beutel aufbewahrt. Um die Runen zu befragen, werden aus diesem Beutel entweder Steine gezogen oder geworfen, je nach Praxis. Zur Deutung sind für die Runensteine nur ihre Namen und die Aspekte von Bedeutung und diese können etwas unterschiedlich ausfallen, je nach Tradition und Art der angewendeten Magie, aber ihre Natur bleibt natürlich unverändert. 
Mit den Bedeutungen der Runen und auch den Arten sie zu befragen wollen wir uns in Zukunft weiterhin sehr eng beschäftigen, jetzt konzentrieren wir uns aber zunächst auf das nötige Wissen, um die Runen als Schreibweise zu erlernen.

ᛗ : ᛁᚲ : Ich : Self
practising basic rune writing
20* rune circle: a rune circle consists of all symbols of the Futhark in the order of the rune rows, neatly arranged in a full circle. for the Elder Futhark this means 24 characters, the bare Odin stone is symbolized by the empty center. rune circles can be used instead of rune stones. they are also popular jewelry as rings and pendants.
however, a real rune circle is a powerful spell, usually to protect the inner area and, depending on the size and intensity, requires a lot of time and great strength to work. it can be drawn or called out and with enough experience and power it can also be manifested in thoughts.


Ein Runenkreis besteht aus den kreisförmig angeordeneten Zeichen des Futhark in der Reihenfolge der Runenreihen. Für den Elder Futhark sind das 24 Zeichen, der blanke Odinsstein wird durch das leere Zentrum symbolisiert. Runenkreise können anstelle von Runensteinen verwendet werden. Sie sind außerdem als Ringe und Anhänger beliebte Schmuckstücke. 
Ein echter Runenkreis jedoch ist ein mächtiger Zauber, üblicherweise zum Schutz des innenliegenden Bereichs und erfordert je nach Größe und Intensität viel Zeit und große Kraft, um ihn zu wirken. Er kann gezeichnet oder gerufen werden und mit genug Erfahrung und Macht auch in Gedanken manifestiert werden.

ᛚ : ᛊᛏᚱᛟᛗ : Strom : Flow
practising basic rune writing
21* protection runes can be attached to the house and yard, worn as a lucky charm and brought to the skin. the strongest signs can be found among the binding runes. but the basic Elder Futhark also contains a powerful protection symbol with Algiz (Eohl, Elhaz, Ybe - many names for the same rune). protection runes can be placed on the treshold or over window frames to keep out all evil influences and curses. but many other runes also have protective aspects and can therefore be used as an anchor for a powerful protective binding rune.

Schutzrunen wurden zu allen Zeiten an Haus und Hof angebracht, als Glücksbringer getragen und auf die Haut gebracht. Die stärksten Zeichen finden sich unter den Binderunen. Aber auch der einfache Elder Futhark enthält mit Algiz (Eohl, Elhaz, Ybe - viele Namen für die gleiche Rune) ein mächtiges Schutzsymbol. Schutzrunen können zum Beispiel auf der Türschwelle oder über Fensterrahmen angebracht werden, um alle bösen Einflüsse und Flüche draußen zu halten. Aber auch viele andere Runen tragen beschützende Aspekte und können daher als Anker für eine Schutz Binderune verwendet werden.

ᛝ : ᚠᚱᚢᚲᛏᛒᚨᚱᚲᛇᛏ : Fruchtbarkeit : Fertility
practising basic rune writing
22* Binderunen: a binding rune consists of two or more runes. if they match, they increase their meaning and impact. a binding rune can also combine the letters of a name into a sigil, a symbol that can be used like a coat of arms. the shape and dynamics of the chosen binding are of great importance for their purpose and must therefore be chosen carefully. depending on their design you can still recognize all the components later or everything will be woven together into something completely new. very old, traditional binding runes should therefore be cited carefully so that their origin shapes are not lost due to alienation. we also want to deal with those runes in detail later.

Eine Binderunen besteht aus zwei oder mehreren Runen. Wenn sie zusammenpassen potenzieren sie ihre Bedeutung und Wirkung. Eine Binderune kann auch die Buchstaben eines Namens zu einer Sigill zusammenziehen, einem symbolhaften Zeichen, das wie ein Wappen geführt werden kann. Form und Dynamik der gewählten Bindung sind von großer Wichtigkeit für ihren Zweck und müssen daher sorgsam gewählt werden. Von ihrer Gestaltung hängt außerdem ab, ob man später noch alle Bestandteile erkennen kann, Idee ob das Design die Bestandteile verbürgt und zu etwas völlig Neuem verbindet. Sehr alte, überlieferte Binderunen sollten daher sorgfältig zitiert werden, damit sie durch Verfremdung nicht verloren gehen. Auch mit den Binderunen wollen wir uns später noch eingehend beschäftigen.

ᛞ : ᚹᛖᚾᛞᛖ : Wende : Breakthrough
practising basic rune writing
23* many runes are known by different names, but despite that it's always the same sign. however, some rune characters also have different spelling variants. for NAUDHIZ there is a variant with a slash and a cross, for SOWILO we found the S-shape and the waveform, and for INGWAZ both the diamond and the double X. some of them are interpreted with different aspects, but nothing changes their basic meaning. we believe that the name and main aspect everyone has to find out for themselves. in addition everyone should choose the exact how they like to write it - and then stick with it.

Viele Runen sind in unterschiedlichen Bezeichnungen bekannt, aber trotz abweichender Namen handelt es sich immer um das gleiche Zeichen. Manche Runenzeichen haben jedoch auch unterschiedliche Schreib-Varianten. Für NAUDHIZ gibt es sowohl die Variante mit einem Querstrich als auch mit einem Kreuz, für SOWILO haben wir die S-Form und die Wellenform gefunden, und für INGWAZ sowohl die Raute als auch das doppelte X. Sie werden zum Teil auch mit unterschiedlichen Aspekten interpretiert, aber an ihrer Kernbedeutung ändert sich nichts. Wir glauben, das Name und Hauptaspekt jeder für sich selbst herausfinden muß. Die Schreibweise sollte jeder wählen wie er sie am besten schreiben kann - und dann dabei bleiben.

ᛟ : ᛏᚱᛖᚾᚢᛝ : Trennung : Separation
practising basic rune writing
24* basic rune writing is a skill anyone can learn in small steps and practise with friends and other rune fans. you don't have to be a Rune Master at the end, simply enjoy the writing. 
but do not make the mistake of mixing it up with magical rune writing and powerful rune casting. there is an ancient force beneath the simple writing system that can be dangerous and seriously harm people when used carelessly or with malicious intent.

: : ᚢᚾᛒᛖᚲᚨᚾᛏ : Unbekannt : Unknowablepractising basic rune writing
25* since there is no spelling police, only one sign of punctuation and a very vague idea of simply following the phonetics (and your guts) and some funny thoughts about the direction of writing, and in the end everything can be combined into new signs and sigils, it shouldn't make you uncomfortable to write in runes. in fact, it's a great fun and a wonderful skill!
running through the strawberry moon runes was definitely fun and we hope you join us for the next project!

follow the @house.of.runes: we are continously discovering runes, magical signs and spells for a deeper understanding of the old ways and creating new enchanting grafics and handcrafted items.
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